Golden milk is a turmeric-based drink that has several health benefits. Its essential component turmeric and its active compound curcumin have more than one hundred fifty therapeutic properties.
Moreover, turmeric is analgesic and has antimicrobial, so its good for liver-cleansing. The golden spice is a product that can boost your immune system, lower the blood pressure, enhance your mental function, cure particular skin diseases, lower the levels of LDL cholesterol, enhance the digestion, lower the triglycerides and support the natural weight. Despite, there’s one obstacle of this spice – it isn’t readily bioavailable.
To take total benefit of the spice, you ought to mix it with black pepper. A whose active mixture is well known as piperine and, it improves curcumin absorption inside the body by 2000 percent.
Here’s how you can prepare golden milk
- a half cup of water
- ½ a teaspoon of powdered pepper
- a quarter cup of turmeric powder
Combine all of the ingredients in a pot and boil them on medium heat, stir until you get a like a forming paste. Make sure you stir carefully to avoid sticking and store the mixture in a bowl in a fridge until it’s cooled down.
- A quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric paste
- 1 cup of almond milk
- One tablespoon of natural honey.
- One tablespoon of coconut oil
Cook all of the ingredient on average warmness without the honey and stir it constantly. When the mixture has completely cooled down add the honey and consume the mix each day until you notice positive results.
- Contains Bioactive Composites With Powerful Healing Characteristics Curcumin
- Is a Bio Anti-Inflammatory Element It Dramatically Increases the Antioxidant Ability of the Human Body
- Increases Brain-Based Neurotrophic Enhancers, Which are improving the brain function and lowering risk of stroke
- Reduces the risk of Heart Diseases
- Will assist in preventions of Cancer
- Can help to stop Alzheimer’s Disease and treat it as well
- Many arthritis patients are using curcumin because it has its suits them well.
- Has a great effect over depression, some studies have confirmed this.
- Slows down the aging process